simple is beautiful
Amy Stein Photo: SVA in the Mother F'n House
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Thursday, March 6, 2008

SVA in the Mother F'n House

Untitled, 2004 (#3) © Thomas Holton
At least once a week I get an email from a photographer asking me if they should apply to the School of Visual Arts MFA Photography program. My answer is always yes and I give a host of reasons why they should consider the school including the facilities, the faculty and the location. The best reason I can give, however, is the amazing work and success of the people who have been through program.

Today I opened the latest edition Photograph Magazine and it seemed like an SVA yearbook. Besides my own show currently at Paul Kopeikin, thank you very much, there were full and two-page ads for upcoming solo shows by fabulous SVA grads Thomas Holton, JeongMee Yoon and Matthew Pillsbury. Throw in Shen Wei, Katie Kingma, Daniel Traub and Domingo Milella being named to PDN's 30 list and you are talking about a red letter week for the School of Visual Arts MFA program.

Here are the details on these upcoming must-see shows:
Thomas Holton, The Lams of Ludlow Street
Sasha Wolf Gallery
New York, NY
March 6 - April 26

JeongMee Yoon, The Pink & Blue Project
Jenkins Johnson Gallery
New York, NY
March 6 - April 26

Matthew Pillsbury, Elapsed
Bonni Benrubi Gallery
New York, NY
April 3 - May 31
I will be at Sasha Wolf tonight for Thomas' opening and at Jenkins Johnson on Saturday for JeongMee's opening. See you there.

UPDATE: The always fabulous Rachel Dunville reminded me of another upcoming show by an SVA MFA grad. Shai Kremer's solo show at Julie Saul Gallery opens April 10.


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